Last September we held our first training school on chemometrics which aimed to deepen the trainee’s knowledge in spectral data analysis. Aspects of unsupervised analysis and multivariate linear and nonlinear calibration were addressed. This training school was a success thanks to the collaboration of Ondalys and INRAE.
ChemSChool Agenda [Download]
LOCAL R1 – Local PLS regression – Overview and extensions. [Download]
LOCAL R2- Local PLS with package. Jchemo [Download]
PLSR- Theory, Algorithm, Practical work. Marina Cocchi. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche [Download]
PLS- DA Implementation, Practical work. Marina Cocchi. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche [Download]
PCA- PCA on a small dataset [Download]
PCA of spectral data [Download]
PCA. Pre-processing methods for spectral data [Download]
ICA – Independents Components Analysis with the JADE Algorithm. Douglas N. Rutledge [Download]
ICA. Independents Components Analysis. Determination of the number of ICs. Douglas N. Rutledge [Download]
Generative Topographic Mapping(GTM) [Download]
Artificial Neural Networks [Download]