First SENSORFINT Training School in Chemometrics
05sep(sep 5)14:0009(sep 9)14:00First SENSORFINT Training School in Chemometrics
Event Details
Objectives This training session on Chemometrics aims to deepen the trainee’s knowledge in spectral data analysis. Aspects of unsupervised analysis and multivariate linear and nonlinear calibration will
Event Details
This training session on Chemometrics aims to deepen the trainee’s knowledge in spectral data analysis. Aspects of unsupervised analysis and multivariate linear and nonlinear calibration will be addressed. The pedagogical objective is to provide the trainees with the theoretical and practical bases to make them autonomous to manage their spectral data.
The training session proposes alternatively theoretical method principles and practical exercises using the ChemFlow software.
4 days – 28 hours
From 5 Sept -2022 2.00 pm to 9 Sept -2022 2.00 pm
PhD, Post doctorants
Engineers, Researchers
Practice (or knowledge) in spectroscopy, to be used with spectral data
Practice on factorial methods, to be able to calibrate a PLS, to carry out a PCA,
5 (Monday) 14:00 - 9 (Friday) 14:00
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